Showing 50 Result(s)


The audit word always strikes fear into the hearts of business people; well it does to me. But an audit really just means the review of a process or system to ensure that it complies with documented guidelines or rules. It is not always about a Tax or IRS review. In the case of advertising …


I think that the general rule of thumb is that you spend 10% of your profits on Marketing and Advertising exercises. It’s pretty obvious that a 15 second television ad will last for 15 seconds, but for the same amount of money you could advertise on a roadside billboard for one month. Because we are …


The print media is working through a number of challenges; the industry is changing, there is a fair amount of major player consolidation and printing presses are increasingly reducing the number of titles being fed through them. But, in spite of all this gloom and doom, the print media is transforming itself, its content sources, …


I must admit that there was some time between when I penned this as a blog point to when I actually sat down to write it. As a consequence, time has altered what was as clear as day when I had the idea to something that can be interpreted a few different ways. Although conceptually …


If you have sat in a marketing class or have attended a marketing seminar, lecture, talk, webinar, etc you will have heard the following mantra: CALL TO ACTION. It may not appear to be uber important to your marketing activities, but without a call to action of some sort, then it is difficult to measure …


Everyone likes a story. You can take this idea down a few different paths. Tell your story: From embryotic beginnings where late nights were the norm; where coding was done whilst travelling to and from work on the train; where it seemed that market research was the main business activity, to this thriving business with …


Who doesn’t love a celebration? There is something extra special about your own special day. If you have been following some of the previous blog entries, the concept of gathering information about your customers is an important task that all retailers should actively perform as part of daily operations. Analysis of the collected data can …


Your business is an extension of you. How it is shaped, its colours, it process and feel; it is you – like it or not. Your personality will come out through your business and land smack onto your customers. So if you are a miserable SOB, don’t expect success unless your business is ideal in …


Deep down inside most of us, we harbour desires and ambitions of being unique, innovative; a trend setter. We should not abandon these personal attributes. This is what drives progress – being able to see something that others don’t, being the first with a new service or product, creating new processes that capitalise on efficiency, …


Like it or not the biggest international sporting event is generally the Olympics. There will be massive saturation on at least one network television station, Olympic mentions on all the other network stations, plus huge online and print media coverage. Your customers will be bombarded with the Olympics and Olympic related events in the leadup …