Showing 4 Result(s)


Deep down inside most of us, we harbour desires and ambitions of being unique, innovative; a trend setter. We should not abandon these personal attributes. This is what drives progress – being able to see something that others don’t, being the first with a new service or product, creating new processes that capitalise on efficiency, …


Like it or not the biggest international sporting event is generally the Olympics. There will be massive saturation on at least one network television station, Olympic mentions on all the other network stations, plus huge online and print media coverage. Your customers will be bombarded with the Olympics and Olympic related events in the leadup …


We have written a swag of posts that cover aspects of sales and marketing. Some of it has been in-depth, some superficial, some targeted and some general in nature. The common point has always looked at a common theme or action or idea that can be implemented. The information has been largely industry generic but …


Pricing can be a difficult concept to master. There are a number of schools of thought that come into play. We will have a look at a couple of them here as they all have advantages and disadvantages and some are better suited to different market. We will also have a look at influencing factors …