Showing 4 Result(s)


Felix, from The Odd Couple, got it right: Never assume otherwise you will make an ASS out of U and ME. An assumption is a conclusion that one makes based on no or little information. Some assumptions might be correct, but unless you can somehow verify or collaborate what you are assuming, then there is …


External Quarterly Reviews work as a great grounding or as a valuable validation tool. The results of an external review can go either way and the results may be a total surprise. I have previously mentioned that the closer that you are to a product or service the harder it is to see the failure …


Although the title may suggest it, this is not about selling dipsticks or selling to dipsticks, although the possibility of exploring this further appeals to me the more I re-read the title. Dipstick selling is the processes of periodically interrogating your customer to make sure they are still following your sales pitch – much like …


The closer you are to a product or service the more difficult it is to become objective about it. It’s like a Funny Looking Kid (FLK) – the parents will always love him (or her) even if the rest of the world thing that he has a good face for radio (apologies to all the …