Showing 5 Result(s)


Funneling is frequently used as part of business development. This is where a number of opportunities are identified and the business development process is assigned to them. For example, out of 200 leads some (maybe 50) may progress to strong leads and then a percentage of these (maybe 5) would result in actual sales. Technology …


Rome was not built in a day, but it was just about flattened in one. Growing your business is a fine balancing act. Sure we all want to have exponential growth, but all too frequently, this growth curve is not sustainable and things tend to implode quickly. The absolute classic business killer is cash flow. …


I have written about this in the past and there are future posts that will touch on this again; basically, there are significant advantages to monitor and maybe replicate what your industry leaders are doing. A small family run corner store does not need to invest significant resources to see where the industry is heading; …


When I was much younger, the term business intelligence evoked images of industrial espionage which usually contained a Mission Impossible type scene. My vision could not have been further from the truth. Business Intelligence is a complex subject and this blog entry will hardly do it justice, however, we will try and scratch the surface …


Sales incentives, such as packaged deals, time limited price discounts, finance offers, etc are designed with two main aims in mind: You want to influence a customer to purchase now from you, and You want market capitalisation via an awareness campaign but ultimately you would prefer to eliminate your competitors influence. And that is fine …