Showing 9 Result(s)


Funneling is frequently used as part of business development. This is where a number of opportunities are identified and the business development process is assigned to them. For example, out of 200 leads some (maybe 50) may progress to strong leads and then a percentage of these (maybe 5) would result in actual sales. Technology …


I have written about this in the past and there are future posts that will touch on this again; basically, there are significant advantages to monitor and maybe replicate what your industry leaders are doing. A small family run corner store does not need to invest significant resources to see where the industry is heading; …


Felix, from The Odd Couple, got it right: Never assume otherwise you will make an ASS out of U and ME. An assumption is a conclusion that one makes based on no or little information. Some assumptions might be correct, but unless you can somehow verify or collaborate what you are assuming, then there is …


We are conditioned from an early age that good performance is rewarded. It happened to us as children, as adults we do it, and we use it to teach our pets. Rewards are not really bribes, unless the intent is there to alter a behaviour or to expect a favour in return. Rewards are there …


Marketing inspiration can come from a variety of sources. Sometimes your product or service will dictate the marketing campaign, sometimes it will come to you at night or when performing an unrelated piece of work, it may come during a brain storming session, or it may come from an external agency. Very few ideas are …


The print media is working through a number of challenges; the industry is changing, there is a fair amount of major player consolidation and printing presses are increasingly reducing the number of titles being fed through them. But, in spite of all this gloom and doom, the print media is transforming itself, its content sources, …


If you have sat in a marketing class or have attended a marketing seminar, lecture, talk, webinar, etc you will have heard the following mantra: CALL TO ACTION. It may not appear to be uber important to your marketing activities, but without a call to action of some sort, then it is difficult to measure …


We have written a swag of posts that cover aspects of sales and marketing. Some of it has been in-depth, some superficial, some targeted and some general in nature. The common point has always looked at a common theme or action or idea that can be implemented. The information has been largely industry generic but …