Showing 19 Result(s)


They may appear old school, but magazines still provide valuable industry information; typically you will see current industry news, upcoming events and conferences, and advertisements from industry suppliers. My google efforts usually take me on a journey of tangents, following leads that all too frequently take me to places that I had no intention of …


Do you know your catchment area demographics? Does your area predominantly consist of young families, retirees, established households? What is the home ownership ratio? What sort of building approvals currently in place? What are homes sales like? Is the area going through any infill development? How transient is the population? What is the nationality percentage …


Like music riffs, it is becoming increasingly difficult to create unique advertisements. There are not a lot of angles that have not already been explored for different goods and services. This is a continuing trend across different industries. Sure innovation is not dead and when you see it the message sticks, is memorable, and is …


You will use multiple communication channels, and the message that you communicate will be the same albeit maybe with different words or images or video. Frequently we can become so consumed with the wording on a brochure or mailer or letter that we develop perfection procrastination. Perfection procrastination is a state that develops when the …


Funneling is frequently used as part of business development. This is where a number of opportunities are identified and the business development process is assigned to them. For example, out of 200 leads some (maybe 50) may progress to strong leads and then a percentage of these (maybe 5) would result in actual sales. Technology …


Who doesn’t like a party? It’s generally not difficult to identify marketing opportunities; event associations are classic examples – something related to the end of financial year, a local, national, or international holiday (like Christmas or Ramadan), some other date related event, an occasion related opportunity, seasonal changes, etc. There are hundreds, and the more …


Marketing inspiration can come from a variety of sources. Sometimes your product or service will dictate the marketing campaign, sometimes it will come to you at night or when performing an unrelated piece of work, it may come during a brain storming session, or it may come from an external agency. Very few ideas are …


The audit word always strikes fear into the hearts of business people; well it does to me. But an audit really just means the review of a process or system to ensure that it complies with documented guidelines or rules. It is not always about a Tax or IRS review. In the case of advertising …


I must admit that there was some time between when I penned this as a blog point to when I actually sat down to write it. As a consequence, time has altered what was as clear as day when I had the idea to something that can be interpreted a few different ways. Although conceptually …