There has been at least one previous post about greeting your customers either in person, across the counter or over the phone. This greeting needs to be sincere and the delivery needs to be consistent across all touchpoints and across all staff levels and roles.

Just as important as the greeting is the Thank You.

Thank You’s are multi-faceted:

A Thank You will thank your customer for visiting your store.

A Thank You will thank your customer for purchasing a product or service.

A Thank You will convey a feeling of appreciation from you to the customer.

A Thank You will create a parting good feeling which will encourage your customer to return.

Thank You’s need to be sincere and automatic, however, there are certainly situations where a more constructed Thank You is desirable. Constructed Thank You’s are by no way less sincere; they are actually more appreciated as there is always a little bit more effort required for a constructed Thank You.

Constructed Thank You’s might be used where/when:

To thank high value or frequent customers (the coffee loyalty card is a classic example of this).

To thank customers or businesses that refer your goods and services onto other businesses or customers.

To thank your suppliers for their service and quality of products.

Constructed Thank You’s could take many forms depending on the occasion or event or circumstances:

Thank a customer with a special exclusive offer: These are frequently utilised when compiling customer pre-view groups or loyalty programs.

Thank a customer or associate who on-refers your business to another potential customer. You receive an internal referral and you become a content expert. 

Thank your suppliers for continued support, and follow this up with an order. This will probably result in favourable treatment when supplies are tight.

How you materialise a The Thank You will depend on the value you associate with it. It could be as simple as a phone call, a personalised card, a special offer, flowers, dinner, trip, etc. The options are endless. But regardless of what you do, so long s you have done something, then the recipient will always remember your kindness and subconsciously repay you.

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